Dear Julie Plec,
I think you're an amazing writer. Producer. Person. You have three shows to work on, The Vampire Diaries, The Tomorrow People and The Originals. And all the fans of these shows I am sure are grateful to your hard work. As one who enjoys writing myself, I find it disappointing when people show their disapproval for a piece of writing in a less than nice way. I can guarantee no one knows my name, or any of the things I've written except for a select few. I'm not a best seller nor do I work on a hit television series, but I do know it hurts like hell when those that have read what I wrote tell me in the worst possible way they thought something "sucked." Feedback is good. Always. even "negative" as long as it's constructive, or even polite. So I'd like to say sorry on the behalf of the most rude TVD fans to grace the internet. And I'd like to say to the whole fandom not all of us are like that. In fact I find myself getting quite angry when I see a post on tumblr attempting to speak for the whole fandom and how much it hates you. To them I say, please just stop. I as a person in this fandom absolutely love you and the other writers. (Yes there are other writers that work on TVD). It's absolutely impossible to make everyone happy and there will be plots that people don't like. But that does not mean the show is ruined. Of course there's plots that make me scream at my television and ask why? But I still continue to watch. Though I am behind because I work on Thursday's nights. So I missed two episodes. But I'll get caught up eventually. The point is there won't always be story lines that please everyone. Because we're each a fan of different things and different characters. Elena fans are certainly not going to enjoy the Katherine take over, Delena fans will probably cry over the demise of those two at Katherine's hand. It's bound to happen, but If these fans honestly felt the show was ruined they wouldn't keep watching. These people are obviously spending time sending you tweets about episodes they clearly watched after angrily stating they would not anymore. I don't know what it is about these people. But I will never be one of them. If a ship I love sinks it's for a reason. If something bad happens to a character I love it's for a reason. I may be upset for these beloved characters but I will never be mad at the writing or those that work hard to write such wonderful scenes. Julie I think you're doing a great job!!! I have a TVD/TO buddy at work and we joke about how we turn into two teenage girls when talking about the shows. She is a huge fan of Stefan, I love Damon and Elijah! When I am not smiling at work she simply says think of Elijah! One day she said Jackie just think of Elijah and then started laughing at me. She told me I turned into a thirteen year old girl just there. I probably did. Elijah is my favorite Original and it makes me very happy when you post your Elijah love on your twitter. Thanks for giving Elijah awesome story lines. And also whoever brought the suits back thank you! We Elijah fans missed them! I follow you on twitter to see your lovely posts about the episodes or just things in general. Stay awesome Julie!
Love always, Jacqueline Milom
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